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Why join our Committee?

With Committee applications still open until 21 April, many of our members may be wondering why they should apply for one of our nine roles.

And there are many reasons to do so! Not only will you have lots of fun, due to the variation and leadership involved in every role, you'll meet new people, make valuable connections both within the University and externally, and learn a plethora of new skills, including:

  • Teamwork

  • Organisation and time-management

  • Proactivity

  • Various software/tools (particularly for our Marketing & Communications Officer)

All of these skills will be incredibly impressive on your CV.

Leading a society's Committee is also a great way to give back to the community you're a part of.

You'll know what students enjoy, and how to give them a memorable experience. You don't need to have necessarily experienced it yourself (and, sadly, most of our first years haven't!).

You may worry about the time commitment – if so, consider one of our less active roles, such as Treasurer, Vice-President or Ball Secs. All of the roles are flexible, and there's no requirement to be involved a certain amount of time. And, of course, around exam times things are quiet anyway!

All first and second years are encouraged to apply, irrespective of whether you are a member of Fusion or have had previous experience. We'll provide training and guidance over a period of time to make the transition as smooth as possible.

If you have any questions about the roles available, or are not sure which one to apply for, please get in touch with us via email or social media.


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